What should be the Council's top priority?

Which of our pledges do you think should be the City Council's top priority? Or is there another priority you'd like to see come first? Please drag the pledges listed on the left to the box on the right or add your pledges below...

If you would like to know more about the details behind our pledges, you can do so here.

Drag stuff from here


  • We will recycle more - taking kitchen waste out of your bins
  • We will improve the energy efficiency of offices and homes
  • We will protect our town and village green edges


  • We will modernise and expand the Council's CCTV system
  • We will campaign for lower speed limits where residents want them
  • We will increase the number of wardens and reach out into the towns and villages


  • We will keep Council Tax increases below the rate of inflation
  • We will work to provide a range of housing for all ages and needs
  • We will make more affordable houses available for rent

To here... and put them in order of preference

Note: Only the postcode is required for submission